
An application profile of the MIDAS Heritage standard intended for delivering metadata to the CARARE service environment about an organisation’s online collections, monument inventory database and digital objects.

CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) is a conceptual model used in cultural heritage to enable information integration. It provides definitions and a structured framework to describe concepts, relationships, and data used in cultural heritage documentation. The CIDOC CRM, developed and maintained over a period of more than 20 years, was initially proposed by the CIDOC Documentation Standards Working Group and is currently managed by the CIDOC CRM SIG, both of which are working groups of the CIDOC Council. In December 2006, it received official recognition as an ISO standard, and this status was reaffirmed in 2014 under the ISO 21127:2014 designation.
The Component Metadata Infrastructure provides a framework to create and use self-defined metadata formats. It relies on a modular model of so-called metadata components, which can be assembled together, to improve reuse, interoperability and cooperation among metadata modelers. The model is standardised in ISO 24622-1 and ISO 24622-2. The serialization is typically in XML. Metadata in this format are often distributed via OAI-PMH. The definition of data categories is provided externally, for example by linking to or the Clarin Concept Registry.
CRMarchaeo is an extension designed to address the documentation and management of archaeological data and excavation processes. CRMarchaeo expands upon the CIDOC CRM base ontology by introducing additional classes, properties, and relationships that enable the representation of archaeological entities and their contextual information. It also provides a structured framework for capturing and describing archaeological sites, artefacts, stratigraphy, excavation processes, and related archaeological concepts. It supports the documentation of archaeological contexts, including the spatial and temporal dimensions of excavations, stratigraphic relationships, and the association of artefacts with specific layers or features.

A British cultural heritage standard for recording information on buildings, archaeological sites, shipwrecks, parks and gardens, battlefields, areas of interest and artefacts.

Sponsored by the Forum on Information Standards in Heritage, MIDAS Version 1.1 was released in October 2012.

TEI/EPIDOC is a collaborative effort that combines the expertise of EpiDoc and the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). It establishes standardised guidelines and tools for encoding scholarly and educational editions of ancient documents, embracing inscriptions, papyri, manuscripts, and other text-bearing objects. By leveraging a subset of TEI's standard, TEI/EPIDOC enables the representation of texts in a digital form while also addressing the historical context and materiality of the objects. This comprehensive approach allows scholars to publish digital editions that not only encompass the transcription and editorial treatment of the texts but also provide insights into the objects themselves. As a result, TEI/EPIDOC enriches our understanding of ancient civilizations and facilitates the dissemination of knowledge about their tangible heritage. TEI/EPIDOC is currently employed by the EAGLE Project and